17 Jun 2020

Have a great summer vacation!

After being locked up at home for so long, school work is over. Congratulations! Now is time to relax and enjoy the summer. A very big hug for all of you! See you in September!

Finally, a goodbye song: «I love summertime». And you?

9 Jun 2020

Talk about yourself (speaking)

Do you remember the «Talk about yourself» worksheet we did last week? Today is time to do the same but speaking. Kevin helps us!

We will also do it in nine parts or phrases:
1. Say «Hello». Hello...
2. What’s your name? My name is...
3. How old are you? I’m... 
4. What month is your birthday? My birthday is in...
5. What have you got? What you haven’t got? I’ve got... / I haven’t got...
6. What can you do? What can't you do? I can... / I can’t...
7. What are you wearing? I’m wearing...
8. What is your favourite animal? My favourite animal is...
9. What do you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner? I like... 
Let's go! It's your turn! Practice first (last week's worksheet will help you). Prepare everything you need, record your phrases on video and send it to me.
Resumen tareas: «Talk about yourself (speaking)» (10-6-20)
—Siguiendo el modelo de la ficha «Talk about yourself» de la semana pasada, hoy toca hacer la misma actividad pero oral.
—Ver y escuchar atentamente el vídeo de Kevin. Lo usaremos como ejemplo.
—Repasar las nueve frases que se deben decir (esquema arriba). Valen las de la ficha de la semana pasada, u otras.
—Preparar algunas cosas (si se quiere) para «escenificar» las frases: ropa, juguetes, comida...
—Grabar el vídeo con las frases (si algún niño/a prefiere grabar sólo audio, también vale).
—Por último, enviar los archivos a
fogarnews@gmail.com a través de wetransfer.com. Damos hasta el sábado 13 para hacerlo. Animo!

2 Jun 2020

Talk about yourself (writing)

We are already approaching the end of the academic year. We are going to review a little bit today the most important things of this course. Look at the top picture. That girl, Mary, talk us about herself. You, like her, must use nine sentences:
1. A greeting.
2. Your name.
3. Your age.
4. The month of your birthday.
5. What you have and what you don't have.
6. What you can do and what you cannot do.
7. What you are wearing.
8. Your favorite animal.
9. What you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Here you have a PDF worksheet so you can write those sentences and make your own drawing. Remember everything we studied this year and follow the example of Mary's sentences. This will be easier. You can color your picture if you feel like it. 

If you can't print the PDF worksheet, you can also do it all on a separate sheet.

Please, at the end, send me your worksheets to fogarnews@gmail.com.

Resumen tareas: «Talk about your self (writing)» (26-5-20)
—Como repaso final, haremos la ficha «Talk about your self» (Habla de ti mismo/a).
—Ver y leer el modelo que se presenta. Consta de dibujo y nueve frases:
1. Saludo («Hello!», o otros)
2. Tu nombre
3. Tu edad
4. El mes de tu cumpleaños
5. Lo que tienes y no tienes
6. Lo que puedes hacer y lo que no
7. Lo que llevas puesto
8. Tu animal favorito
9. Lo que te gusta comer para el desayuno, comida y cena

Aquí tenéis una ficha en PDF para poder hacer la actividad por escrito. Si hay problemas para imprimirla, se puede hacer en una hoja aparte (o en el texto del correo electrónico). Si apetece, se puede hacer también el dibujo y colorearlo.
—Cuando esté lista la ficha, por favor, enviadla a