Showing posts with label Special days. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Special days. Show all posts

17 Jun 2020

Have a great summer vacation!

After being locked up at home for so long, school work is over. Congratulations! Now is time to relax and enjoy the summer. A very big hug for all of you! See you in September!

Finally, a goodbye song: «I love summertime». And you?

9 Jun 2020

Talk about yourself (speaking)

Do you remember the «Talk about yourself» worksheet we did last week? Today is time to do the same but speaking. Kevin helps us!

We will also do it in nine parts or phrases:
1. Say «Hello». Hello...
2. What’s your name? My name is...
3. How old are you? I’m... 
4. What month is your birthday? My birthday is in...
5. What have you got? What you haven’t got? I’ve got... / I haven’t got...
6. What can you do? What can't you do? I can... / I can’t...
7. What are you wearing? I’m wearing...
8. What is your favourite animal? My favourite animal is...
9. What do you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner? I like... 
Let's go! It's your turn! Practice first (last week's worksheet will help you). Prepare everything you need, record your phrases on video and send it to me.
Resumen tareas: «Talk about yourself (speaking)» (10-6-20)
—Siguiendo el modelo de la ficha «Talk about yourself» de la semana pasada, hoy toca hacer la misma actividad pero oral.
—Ver y escuchar atentamente el vídeo de Kevin. Lo usaremos como ejemplo.
—Repasar las nueve frases que se deben decir (esquema arriba). Valen las de la ficha de la semana pasada, u otras.
—Preparar algunas cosas (si se quiere) para «escenificar» las frases: ropa, juguetes, comida...
—Grabar el vídeo con las frases (si algún niño/a prefiere grabar sólo audio, también vale).
—Por último, enviar los archivos a a través de Damos hasta el sábado 13 para hacerlo. Animo!

2 Jun 2020

Talk about yourself (writing)

We are already approaching the end of the academic year. We are going to review a little bit today the most important things of this course. Look at the top picture. That girl, Mary, talk us about herself. You, like her, must use nine sentences:
1. A greeting.
2. Your name.
3. Your age.
4. The month of your birthday.
5. What you have and what you don't have.
6. What you can do and what you cannot do.
7. What you are wearing.
8. Your favorite animal.
9. What you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Here you have a PDF worksheet so you can write those sentences and make your own drawing. Remember everything we studied this year and follow the example of Mary's sentences. This will be easier. You can color your picture if you feel like it. 

If you can't print the PDF worksheet, you can also do it all on a separate sheet.

Please, at the end, send me your worksheets to

Resumen tareas: «Talk about your self (writing)» (26-5-20)
—Como repaso final, haremos la ficha «Talk about your self» (Habla de ti mismo/a).
—Ver y leer el modelo que se presenta. Consta de dibujo y nueve frases:
1. Saludo («Hello!», o otros)
2. Tu nombre
3. Tu edad
4. El mes de tu cumpleaños
5. Lo que tienes y no tienes
6. Lo que puedes hacer y lo que no
7. Lo que llevas puesto
8. Tu animal favorito
9. Lo que te gusta comer para el desayuno, comida y cena

Aquí tenéis una ficha en PDF para poder hacer la actividad por escrito. Si hay problemas para imprimirla, se puede hacer en una hoja aparte (o en el texto del correo electrónico). Si apetece, se puede hacer también el dibujo y colorearlo.
—Cuando esté lista la ficha, por favor, enviadla a

28 May 2020

Today, just dance!

What if we danced a little? It’s not going to be all study, is it? 

We suggest you play «Just Dance» with this catchy Black Eyed Peas song. But, attention, the important thing is not to sing the song, but to have a good time dancing, and if it's with the family, much better.

The song is titled «I gotta feeling» (Tengo un sentimiento). If you want you can learn and sing the chorus which is easy! 
I gotta feeling (Tengo un sentimiento)
That tonight's gonna be a good night (que esta noche va a ser una buena noche)
That tonight's gonna be a good night (que esta noche va a ser una buena noche)
That tonight's gonna be a good good night (que esta noche va a ser una buena buena noche)
And if you want to know the translation of the complete song, here you have it.

If you practice choreography (alone or with your father, your mother, your brothers or sisters...) and you want to record it on video, go ahead! We know that many are embarrassed to dance, but don't worry, it is a voluntary activity.

Come on, cheer up! Wear comfortable clothes and dance!
Resumen tareas: «Today, just dance!» (29-5-20) (actividad voluntaria)
—No todo va a ser estudiar. Ver el vídeo del juego «Just Dance».
—Ya sabemos que lo de cantar y bailar a veces da vergüenza, por eso sólo los niños/as que quieran pueden jugar a bailar imitando la coreografía (como en el juego «Just Dance»). No es imprescindible aprenderse la canción ni cantarla. Lo importante es pasar un buen rato!
—Si se animan, pueden aprender el estribillo (traducido arriba). También
aquí está la letra completa de la canción traducida.
—Si se practica y apetece, se puede grabar el baile (en HORIZONTAL, por favor). Evidentemente, con la familia mucho mejor!
—Por último, podéis mandar los vídeos a a través de Damos un plazo de 2 semanas para enviar los vídeos que se deseen (hasta el 11 de junio). Animo!

21 May 2020

The ant and the grasshopper

Today's task is to reread the story of «The Ant and the Grasshopper», from pages 14-15 of your Class Book. You can do this by listening to this video as well. Remember: stop in each part, use your finger to point and repeat aloud.

If you do it twice, the better.

These are some of the words to remember:
rainforest (selva)
busy (ocupado/a)
leaf/leaves (hoja/hojas)
to laugh (reír)
to work (trabajar)
together (juntos/as)
ground (suelo)
ant nest (hormiguero)
to collect (recoger)
own (propio/a)

When finished, do these two on line activities: here and here.
Resumen tareas «The ant and the grasshopper» (22-5-20)
—Leer detenidamente, como repaso, la lectura «The ant and the grasshopper» (págs. 14-15, Class Book). Reparar en el vocabulario importante y hacerlo escuchando el vídeo a la vez. La lectura debe ser pausada (se debe parar en cada parte y también se debe repetir en voz alta cada frase).
—Después de hacer la lectura (dos veces mejor), hacer estas actividades on line: aquí y aquí.
—Por último, enviar las actividades resueltas a

18 May 2020

Let’s eat!

Today we go to page 58 of Unit 6 (Class Book). Let's read the comic titled «Let's eat!». To make it easier, you can read while watching this video. Remember, use your «pointing finger», read slowly and repeat each sentence.

After watching the video and reading the comic, twice if necessary, do the activities on page 58 of your Activity Book. In Activity 1 you have to circle the correct option. In 2, pay attention to the pictures and write the corresponding questions and answers.

Resumen tareas: «Let’s eat!» (19-5-20)
—Leer el cómic «Let’s eat!», pág. 56 del Class Book. La lectura debe hacerse poco a poco, al mismo tiempo que se va escuchando el vídeo. Conviene ir parando en cada parte y repetir en voz alta las frases.
—Después de hacer la lectura (dos veces si hace falta), realizar las dos actividades de la pág. 58 del Activity Book. En la 1 hay que rodear la opción correcta en cada oración. En la 2 completar las respuestas (Yes, I do / No, I don’t) y las preguntas (Do you like...?) de acuerdo con la información de los dibujos.
—Enviar una foto de estas actividades a

14 May 2020

Riddles game with Kevin

Hello! Kevin is with us today! He offers us a «riddles game» (‘juego de acertijos o adivinanzas’). Just watch and listen carefully to the video. You can stop it after each riddle.

Dad, mom, brothers or sisters can also help you.

The five solutions to puzzles are words that we have studied this course.

When you have the answers, you can write them (Riddle 1: .... / Riddle 2: ....) on a paper with your name on it, take a photo of it, and send it to

If you prefer, you can tell me the answers by recording a video (The answer to riddle one is ... / The answer to riddle two is...). And you send it to the same email.
Resumen tareas «Riddles game with Kevin» (15-5-20)
—Ver y escuchar atentamente el vídeo que nos envía Kevin con breves acertijos para practicar el vocabulario estudiado este curso.
—Después de cada acertijo, pensar en la posible solución. Están por orden de dificultad pero son todos fáciles. Puede ser buena idea jugar con la ayuda de hermanos, hermanas, papá, mamá...
—Escribir en un papel todas las soluciones que se encuentren:
Riddle 1: .... / Riddle 2: ....
—Enviar una foto de las soluciones a
—Si os apetece responder oralmente, grabar en vídeo las soluciones:
The answer to riddle 1 is...
The answer to riddle 2 is...
Podéis mandar el vídeo también a (vía Wetransfer).

13 May 2020

I like, I don’t like

Let's talk today about the food we like and the one we don't like. In the previous video we see that the elephant likes apples but does not like peaches, the pig likes carrots but does not like potatoes... And the shark likes pirates!

What food do you like?

You can practice the «I like» and «I don't like» expressions here, here and here.
Resumen tareas «I like, I don't like» (14-5-20)
—Ver y escuchar el vídeo con expresiones «I like» (me gusta) and «I don't like» (no me gusta).
—Realizar las actividades interactivas:
aquí, aquí y aquí.
—Podéis mandar los pantallazos de las actividades finalizadas como siempre a

8 May 2020

Congratulations on your songs!

Great job, kids! Great job, families! You sent us some fantastic videos. You are the best singers of our Great Song Contest 2020. Congratulations!!!

Clothes and colours

And we're still reviewing! Today, clothes and colors. Listen to this song on that subject. It's fun!

Finally, some interactive activities: here, here and here. I'm sure you're doing them right.

Resumen tareas: «Clothes and colours» (8-5-20)
—Observar con atención la imagen inicial (contiene vocabulario de la ropa que conocen y outro nuevo).
—Observar y escuchar la canción del vídeo.
—Después, realizar estas actividades interactivas: aquí, aquíaquí.

6 May 2020

Action verbs

Let's practice action verbs today. An «action verb» is a verb that expresses physical (run, climb, jump, sing...) or mental (read, think...) action. 

Listen to this song, surely you remember it! You can sing and dance if you feel like it. Pay attention to all the action verbs in it.

Can you now repeat all the action verbs you heard in the song?

And now, online activities. Click here, here and here and do the activities. They're easy!

Resumen de tareas: «Action verbs» (6-5-20)
—Observar la imagen, que contiene verbos de acción (unos ya conocidos y otros nuevos).
—Ver y escuchar el vídeo de la canción «Action song» (pueden cantarla y bailarla, ya la conocen).
—Después, decir de memoria todos los verbos de acción que recuerden de la canción.
—Realizar las actividades interactivas: aquí, aquí y aquí

4 May 2020

Musical instruments

Here we are again. Today we have to practice the names of musical instruments. Remember, we studied them in Unit 3.

Pay attention to the image and also to this video. Some of the instruments you already know and others are new.

And now, click here and here and do the proposed activities.

See you soon!
Resumen tareas: «Musical instruments» (5-5-20)
—Observar con atención la ilustración y el vídeo. Contienen algunos instrumentos musicales y otros que resultarán nuevos.
—Realizar estas actividades interactivas sobre el vocabulario de los instrumentos musicales: aquí y aquí.
—Enviar, fotos o capturas de pantalla de los resultados a

24 Apr 2020

Our monsters

Here are your monsters! They are fantastic! Congratulations!

Enjoy the video!

22 Apr 2020

The magic tree

Today's task will be to read the story «The Magic Tree» on pages 54-55 of your Class Book. Here is a video to help you. You know, use your finger and slowly read.

This is the vocabulary that may be new to you:
to fall (caer)
village (aldea)
chief (jefe)
to remember (recordar)
who (quien)
to walk (caminar)
slowly (lentamente)

When you finish reading, you can do the activities on pages 54 and 55 of your Activity Book. They are easy, but if you want, daddy, mommy or another person can help you.

Resumen de tareas: «The magic tree» (23-4-20)
—Leer la lectura de las págs. 54-55 del Class Book (imagen superior). Hacerlo poco a poco a la vez que se va siguiendo el vídeo (también se pude leer primero y ver el vídeo después).
—Acabada la lectura, hacer las actividades de las págs. 54-55 del Activity Book. Deben resultarles fáciles, son del mismo tipo de lecturas anteriores. 

21 Apr 2020

My monster

Do you like my monster? Your task today is to draw, color and describe your own monster. First, if you feel like it, go over the body parts here and here.

Put your creativity to work and draw your monster at the top of a page. It can have two heads, one eye, two arms, feathers... Or it can have one head, four eyes, whiskers, two wings, three tails, scales... As you wish!

When you finish your drawing, write the description of your monster at the bottom of the page. Follow the previous model:
• First write the name you like and then describe the head.
• After that, describe the body, arms, legs... Remember to indicate the number (one, two, three...), the color (black, blue, yellow...), the shape (long, short) and the size (large, small) of the body parts.
• Finally, you must indicate what your monster can or cannot do.
When you have your drawing and description ready, with the help of dad, mom or someone else, take a photo and send it to this email.
We will show all your monsters on the blog!

Resumen tareas: «My monster» (21-4-20)
— Ver y leer el modelo de descripción del monstruo (foto superior)
— Hacer las actividades on line de repaso (voluntarias): aquí y aquí.
— En la parte superior de un folio, dibujar un monstruo propio y colorearlo.
— En la parte inferior, escribir la descripción del monstruo. Debe incluír tres partes (o párrafos):
a) Nombre y cabeza
b) Cuerpo y extremidades
c) Lo que puede hacer y lo que no.
—Sacarle una foto y enviarla al correo electrónico que se indica.

17 Apr 2020

Seasons and weather

We continue reviewing, Today we will focus on the vocabulary of the seasons and weather (Unit 3).

These videos will help you remember the words you already know and practice new ones.

Now you can do some on line activities. Clic hereherehere and here.

Resumen de tareas: repaso «estaciones / tiempo meteorológico» (16-4-20):
—Ver atentamente la ilustración inicial y los vídeos (con vocabulario conocido y algo nuevo)
—Realizar las actividades on line propuestas (no tienen por que hacerlas todas): aquí, aquí, aquí y aquí.

15 Apr 2020

Today, insects and bugs

insects vocabulary

Do you remember the names of the insects we studied in Unit 1? We are going to practice this vocabulary again. It will be fun!

Here you have the first game. Listen and match each name with its insect.

Here is the hangman's game. You will win by correctly writing names of insects.

Here you have a crossword about insects. Read the descriptions and complete it.

Resumen de tareas: repaso «Insectos» (17-4-20)
—Releer en el Class Book el vocabulario referido a los insectos (pág. 9) y observar la ilustración superior.
—Realizar las actividades on line propuestas: aquí, aquí y aquí.
—Leer y realizar esta entrada anterior del blog sobre insectos.

13 Apr 2020

From the zoo to the jungle

Do you remember the story of «At the zoo»? Let's read it again. First read it in your Class Book, on page 48. Then click here and select «Story 4». You can watch and listen the story on video.

Take your Activity Book. If you haven’t done the activities on page 48, do them now.

Now, here you have a new story: a curious baby elephant, a parrot, a monkey, a snake, a giraffe...

And finally, are you able to repeat by heart the names of all the animals that appear in these two stories?
Resumen de tareas: repaso «Animales» (14-4-20):
—Leer el cómic del Class Book (pág. 48) y también ver la misma historia aquí (Story 4).
—Si no están hechas aún, hacer las actividades correspondientes del Activity Book (pág. 48)
—Ver el vídeo de hoy (arriba).
—Repetir, de memoria, todos los nombres en inglés de animales de las dos historias.

31 Mar 2020

A door, an apple

Do you know when to use «a» or «an»? The indefinite article in English is normally «a», but sometimes we must use «an». These are the rules of use of «a / an».

This fantastic song also helps you learn these rules.

Do you understand? So let's practice with some online activities. Click here and here.

I'm sure you'll do very well!

30 Mar 2020

Describing animals

Hello! Remember you already know:
• The names of the animal body parts: legs, wings, scales, feathers...
• The verb to have got (tener)
• The verb to can (poder)
Today we can practice describing animals. You can do it with interactive activities: clic here and here.

Then you are ready to describe animals. Pay attention to this example.

This is a flamingo. It has got pink feathers. It has got long legs, wings, a small head and a long neck. It can fly and swim. It can’t climb.
Finally, open your Activity Book. Draw and describe your favorite animal (Activity 2, page 52). Follow the model of the lion.